F&T LAWYERS PREVAIL IN APPEAL BY STATE OF IOWA AND IOWA DNR. COURT OF APPEALS AFFIRMS NEARLY $1M JUDGMENT FOR F&T CLIENT IN DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION CASE. In August 2015, F&T attorneys Brooke Timmer and Whitney Judkins went to trial in a disability discrimination case against the State of Iowa and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. We wrote about the…
Disability Discrimination
Judge: Hy-Vee Discriminated against Blind Applicant
Congratulations to our client Sandy Braaksma! On Monday, February 15, 2016, Polk County District Court Judge Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger entered judgment against Hy-Vee, Inc. for discriminating against Sandy because she’s blind. In 2014, Sandy applied for a job as a dishwasher at Hy-Vee’s Market Grille in Chariton, Iowa. Even though she had 3 ½ years’ experience working in restaurants, Hy-Vee…
Judge Orders Iowa DNR To Stop Discriminating Against Disabled Employees
This morning, Polk County District Court Judge Robert Hanson ordered the Forestry Bureau of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to “cease and desist from discriminating on the basis of disability.” The order follows a jury verdict that found that the DNR discriminated against John Vetter, a 36-year employee, on the basis of his disability when the agency fired him…