Public Good

Heads, The Police Win. Tails, the Victim Loses.

One of the foundations of our justice system is that no one is above the law. Each of us is held responsible for our own actions.  If I get distracted while I’m driving and rear-end the car in front of me, I have to pay for the damage.  If I hurt somebody, either negligently or on purpose, I’m liable to…

What to Know: Election Day 2018

Someone struggled for your right to vote.  Use it. – Susan B. Anthony Tomorrow is Election Day in the U.S.A., and Fiedler Law Firm wants to make sure that you are heard at the polls.  Because voting can be tricky, we have outlined some frequently asked questions below to make voting a little easier for you. Voter Registration.  I forgot…

What Do You Mean?

A Helpful List of Many Employment Law-Related Words and their Meanings At-Will State: When an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish “just cause” for termination), and without warning, as long as the reason is not illegal (e.g. firing because of the employee’s protect class). Right to Work State: A Right…

What Does it Mean When People say Iowa is an “At Will” State?

You’ve just started a new job and your employee handbook says you are employed “at-will.”  Then you see that at-will means that you can be fired at any time, for any reason or no reason at all.  Now that you are sweating, and likely freaking out a little, you ask yourself, “Does this mean I don’t have any options if…

F&T Recognized for Donation to Visiting Mom Project

Last fall, the Iowa Organization of Women Attorneys (I.O.W.A.) teamed with Polk County Women Attorneys and the Ashcraft Library Project to help raise money for the Visiting Mom Project.  The project, initiated by Judges Paulsen and Bremer, raised funds to establish a special meeting room for incarcerated mothers to visit with their children at the Iowa Correctional Institute for Women…